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Building Self-confidence, Esteem and Worth with Hypnosis!

Experts teach us that having confidence and a healthy level of self-esteem is a necessary tool to realizing one’s full potential in life. To create an abundant, healthy, and enjoyable life we need and cultivate and exercise our ability to manage our beliefs and thoughts in a way that leads the mind and body toward our intended goals and desires.

The Buddha said “we are what we think“, and science has proven that to be true.

Confidence is our ability to think and cope with the challenges of life, that we act appropriately to life and to the requirements of our environment.

Building Self-confidence, Esteem and Worth with Hypnosis!

Experts teach us that having confidence and a healthy level of self-esteem is a necessary tool to realizing one’s full potential in life. To create an abundant, healthy, and enjoyable life we need and cultivate and exercise our ability to manage our beliefs and thoughts in a way that leads the mind and body toward our intended goals and desires.

The Buddha said “we are what we think“, and science has proven that to be true.

Confidence is our ability to think and cope with the challenges of life, that we act appropriately to life and to the requirements of our environment.

Self-esteem really is simply having the ability to be happy, to cultivate the feeling of being worthy, deserving, entitled to assert our needs and wants, and to enjoy the fruits of our efforts.

Core Spiritual Confidence©

The purpose of the Core Spiritual Confidence© program, is to guide you utilizing hypnosis, NLP, and Mindfulness Meditation, to a conscious understanding of your current belief system, its role in formulating the quality of life you currently have, and to assist you in updating outdated and dysfunctional beliefs that have held you back from having the life, health, and happiness you inherently deserve.

Imagine having the confidence and esteem to know that all life experiences are gifts of love, presents from the universe which allow you to grow, to evolve and to self-actualize; this is the state of Core Spiritual Confidence.

Core Spiritual Confidence©

The purpose of the Core Spiritual Confidence© program, is to guide you utilizing hypnosis, NLP, and Mindfulness Meditation, to a conscious understanding of your current belief system, its role in formulating the quality of life you currently have, and to assist you in updating outdated and dysfunctional beliefs that have held you back from having the life, health, and happiness you inherently deserve.

Imagine having the confidence and esteem to know that all life experiences are gifts of love, presents from the universe which allow you to grow, to evolve and to self-actualize; this is the state of Core Spiritual Confidence.


Mary one of my past clients who now has the confidence and esteem she desires said; “I not only have the confidence to speak freely and comfortably for business presentations, but I’ve also found that my overall confidence level has increased in all areas of my life, I feel more connected, safe, and accepted than I ever have in the past. I truly understand what Scott Duvall meant when he said, “everything that I have experienced, everything I will experience in the future, and that everything I am experiencing in present moment is a gift, for my growth, evolution and self-actualization, that’s why they call it the present ”.

Allow yourself to experience the joy that so many have discovered, by strengthening your core spiritual confidence you will cultivate the ability to trust yourself, to trust in your own mind and beliefs, your ability to adapt and change and flow with life, to assess situations and experiences, to make decisions easily all while feeling safe, secure and in control of your life.

Have you discovered what hypnosis can do for you yet?  Call today and schedule your free hypnosis consultation 503 238-4428.