Questions, Answers and Services

What is Hypnosis?
“Hypnosis is a mental state which you have heightened focus, concentration, and inner absorption. When you’re in a hypnotic trance, you usually feel calm and relaxed, and you can concentrate intensely on a specific thought, memory, feeling or sensation while blocking out distractions. Under hypnosis, you’re more open than usual to suggestions, and this can be used to modify your perceptions, behavior, sensations, and emotions. Therapeutic hypnosis is used to improve your health and well-being and is different from so-called stage hypnosis used by entertainers. Although you’re more open to suggestion during therapeutic hypnosis, your free will remains intact, and you don’t lose control over your behavior”: Mayo Clinic definition
Why Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a very powerful and beneficial transformational tool. It is an altered state of consciousness like meditation or yoga, but the difference is that in a hypnotic state you take an active and positive role in making a change in the beliefs buried deep in your unconscious mind. Hypnosis can dramatically help with improving performance, create positive changes in your health, confidence, relationships, sports activities, concentration, mental recall, creativity, chronic or acute pain control, overcoming habits and fears, self-discovery, stress reduction, healthier self-expression. Compared with traditional transformation modalities, the results of a relatively brief series of hypnosis sessions are often faster, more effective, and longer lasting. No wonder so many professionals in the healing arts are already implementing hypnosis within their practices.
What is NLP Neuro-linguistic Programming?
Neuro – our experience through our five senses.
Linguistic – language and non-verbal communication
Programming – ability to organize our communication and neurological systems to achieve desired goals and results.
NLP holds that people think and act based on their internal representations of the world and not the world itself. Once we understand specifically how we create and maintain our inner thoughts and feelings, it is a simple matter for us to change them to useful ones.
What is Meditation?
There are many benefits of meditation, as well as numerous meditation techniques. Let’s start by defining what meditation is, and why it’s important for better health.
Meditation is a practice to quiet your mind. By slowing down the mind’s activity (your self-talk and obsessive thinking) you experience relaxation, inner peace, love, and joy.
Many of us spend every waking hour either re-living a past wound or fearful about the future. The object of meditation is to focus your attention in the present moment and quiet the mind’s chatter. When you learn to focus on the present moment your fears, suffering and insecurities are transformed.
What Clients Are Using My Services For
- Creating Healthy Habits
- Weight Reduction and Management
- Stop Smoking Tobacco and Marijuana
- Stop Chewing Tobacco
- Nail Biting
- Habitually Sad ,Habitually Fearful,Habitually Worried,Habitually Driven
- Stress Reduction
- Self Esteem and Confidence
Goal Achievement
- Exams, Interviewing, Shyness, Public Speaking, Blushing
- Relationships & Sexuality
- Manifesting Your Intentions, Positive Thought Management
- Self Hypnosis
- Motivation, Focus
- Sports Performance
- Occupational and Corporate Communications and Goal Consulting NLP
- Sales and communication skills
Mind-Body Healing (with medical referral from your Doctor or Psychotherapist )
- Trauma, P.T.S.D., Panic Attacks, Depression And Anxiety
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Menopause
- Sleeping Disorders
- Skin Disorders
- Pain Management
- Natural Child Birth
- Enuresis (Bed wetting) Thumb Sucking, Nail Biting, Trichotillomania (Hair Pulling)
- Hypnosis for Fertility
- Cancer and treatment of medication side effects
Spiritual Exploration
- Certified Spiritual Journeys Instructor
- Energy Enhancement, Reiki, Chi, Chakra, Ki, EFT, PSYCH-K
- Guided Meditation, Prayer, and Mindfulness Training (MBSR) mindfulness based stress reduction